Saturday, October 25, 2008

The "Global recession "

Here we are Again faced with another Election ! The lesser of the two evils, there is none !
Both candidates don't even Qualify at being a piece of Shit , let alone a President !
I have never seen two people so out of touch with the reality of the United States than Obama , or Mccain!
I've never understood how someone with Money ,lots of it , can tell me they know my situation!
do you think that Obama or Mccain Know what it is like to not have insurance and not be able to afford it , how about leaving your family behind and taking a job in another state because your home state (Michigan) is Destitute ,and been torn down By A Democrat Governer (Granholm ) who is so batshit blind about economics she thought it a good Idea to tax the hell out of small business ,WHEN NO ONE WAS MAKING MONEY , therefore causing more jobs to flee the state !!!!
How about not seeing your Wife ,kids (17,14,11) for months at a time because what little money I'M making is not enough to Pay the bills (for two households ) and afford a plane ticket home
Fuck no they don't ,
Politicians never understand that part of life !
TAX ,TAX, TAX, thats all I here ! I would like for the Idiot politicians to suffer a little ,
How about they take a major pay cut ,then start paying for their own food,vehicles ,GAS, utilities, MORTGAGES!!!!
I wonder how they would feel ?
This whole Global Recession thing has got Everyones panties in a bunch !
China stands to lose 2.7 million jobs soon (YEAH) opec is pooping themselves over the drop in oil prices, the asian markets are crashing also ,And to some extent it's a good thing !
Things will level themselves out ,they usually do we all have to cover our ass's and hope for the best !
All you somewhat stupid people that went for the "smart loans" and " interest only " mortgages "you all can kiss my ass , your fuckin lucky our Government is so Generous with our tax dollars ! it's because of you retards that the economy is in the tank ,what the fuck did you think was going on when you were offered your bright and shiny little deal ? look at you now !
And all you banks , and mortgage lenders , you all should be strung up for your b.s. you pushed for ! you jackass's new what you were doing and started a feeding frenzy of lies for mortgages!
You all deserve to lose everything you have for your ignorance! but instead the lovely U.S. Government is wiping your ASS , with some of my fucking money !

Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh Joy , Elections !

Ahhh, Politics !!! The thorn in my spine !
I hate this season , I never get more angered than any other time !
I do have some solutions though ,
one of my best is to gather a few million U.S. taxpayers ,and descend on Washington!
we grab the most senior in charge and fire them !
And we keep firing until someone says that they will meet our demands !
Demands? yes we should all demand that the nutbags in Washington and our respective home states, understand that they work for us , not the big corporations that they go to bed with !( repubs and dems alike )how about our manufacturing jobs , we would like those back also !and a safe and secure Economy and Country!
Not much !
For too long have I watched every political season , only to be disgusted with the people in and around the whole scene ! I'm all for being about America , not what Sarah palin does in her home ,or church , or anything else she does ,at least she is a fresh face to the scene ,who for now appears O.K.
Biden the Obamasiah , and Mc cain , all are out of touch !the typical "I'm for the little guy " schtick is just not going to cut it anymore , we are not blind , we do not need our Ass's wiped by washington ! we want a good job , descently priced energy , and food !
I'm tired of feeling like a two bit whore on nickle night!
get over the petty bullshit and do what needs to be done !
My personal opinion is that some if not most of Washington , should be brought up on treason for undermining the system that has been the United states !
And if that don't work then a good ASS WHOOPIN ,high noon , downtown D.C. !

Sunday, September 14, 2008

After 9/11

Nothing gets my blood boiling more than the anniversary of 9/11,
This year was no exception ,I just spent it Alone with my laptop, reading !
A lot of people around me did not realize that it was the Anniversary,
But they are a lot like sheep, they don't Know they don't care!
They have that right though , being American citizens , they are allowed to not care !
plenty of other people did remember! including me !
I was called a zealot ,for my "over Patriotic views" the day after 9/11/08, it angered me quite a bit ,so I did what I always do, I found a couple of Jihadi Douchebags at youtube and fucked with them a little, When I get in these moods ( and with a little help from Yager) It is my favorite pastime !
More and more I find myself doing this ! its my little part that I can do ! And ,it's fun!!!.
the little muzzy fags that are all over youtube can spew their rhetoric all they want ! I don't have to like it ,But I dont have to sit quietly by and watch it either!!!! so I taunt back alittle, and with sites like YOU TUBE SMACKDOWN, its a way to help stop them .

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Well hello there!

Its been a few months , I have had a lot of changes happen since my last post !
I am currently in El Paso, Texas , working on some Ammunition Bunkers at Mc Gregor range New Mexico! been here since April .
except for the heat and the dust storms and the flooding ,I guess its O.K. here!
I also started school , I Know its a little late in life but with the economy in the tank , I need to learn something new ,I'm going for an Associates Degree in IT, yeah big whoop , but its what I am interested in so it is a logical choice .
I am going to use this site as a weekly rant , for whatever pisses me off (usually muzzy douches)
but it should get interesting as I am pissed off quite often !

Monday, March 31, 2008

stupid muslims

Stupid muslim's

Stupid is as Stupid does!
Even for muslim's ! That fat bastard Muqtostada Al sadr what a douchebag he is !
he starts getting spanked and he cant play no more , what a big pussy !
I wonder how many shots he fired , NOT a FUCKING ONE !
he just tells everyone else to do his shit for him ( oh excuse me allah sbuh )
big fucking pussy muslimy fat pukebag !
And then all the little muzzys got there diapers in a bunch over a movie that only uses their words !
Fitna is a classic already it shows the world what they really are "EVIL"
this is your own words people , your holy men reading your rag called the koran !
you stupid fucks do you think we will lay down and take it ?
you know some here in the U.S. will take it they are pussys also just like you dumbass's !
maybe 10% of America falls into this category , and thats fine thats the really dumb people we call liberals !
But you will have to face the rest of us !people like me ! I will not submit ! get it!
I will fight you , to your death not mine ! if you come here to fight you will die !
try to take over the U.S. you will die ! so save yourself ! stay home ! kill your own people !
you asswipes do that real well ! you dont like us or our ways so dont come here ! stay home !
in your lovely desert , with your lovely dirt floors , with your little pot you piss in !
eat your goat meat and fuck off ! you fucking pigs!
we dont need a comic book to tell us how to be , we know how to be ! not like you , cause you suck pig ass ! and allah ( shit be upon him ) he sucks up the leftovers !!
now go home and stay there , you can be mad at us , it's ok , but don't come here and think you are going to change us ! you will die ! I promise !

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

why oh why ?

I just can not understand why people do the thing's that they do ?
why do all these hippies think when they protest that they protest for everyone ? or atleast a majority! It's mind numbing !
I do not believe in civil unrest ! I do not believe in protesting the way these people protest !
And I'm sure the majority of people don't either !
so why do they do it ? I'm cluless on this point ! why do people feel the need to use violence ,disobediance,vandalism ? and many other techniques to get their point across , when nobody pay's attention . Sure they make it on the news and get localized attention at their actual protest , but other than that nobody care's that they are protesting ! They actual do more harm to their cause than they do good ! but they dont seem to care . That's their problem, they dont care that they are disrupting other people and their daily routine's by being a bunch of moron's singing and beating drum's clutering the street's and sidewalk's with their filth , like everyone is supposed to care about their cause as much as they do ! it's disgusting ! try using the accepted means of protest - write a letter , make a phone call - start a petition - use the court system ( legitimatley) yeah it might take longer ,but maybe you will get heard , and you will quit pissing me off!